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Rachel combined her experience in strategy consulting and Co-Active Coaching to create the Strategic Coaching approach for working with clients.  She supports individuals and organizations in defining their goals and achieving positive outcomes. Applying her I.D.E.A. framework, she helps guide clients in choosing how best to allocate and manage their time, energy, and resources.  Making the right choices for what is prioritized (and not prioritized) will help keep them on their path to success.

Defining your personal strategy ensures that your day-to-day activities help you move in the right direction. The strategic coaching experience will help you achieve your own unique competitive advantage. 

The strategic coaching experience is divided into four phases:

Insight, Design, Experimentation and Accountability.


IDEA Framework
Coaching Framework


Collecting the data:

What are your current contexts, strengths and areas for development? What is your life purpose?


This will involve:

Internal reflection: How do you see yourself?

  • Mining for values

  • Defining aspirations/role models

  • Visioning your ideal self (vs. current self)

  • Identifying triggers 

  • Building awareness of emotions/energy

  • Creating your life purpose/mission statement

  • Articulating the different roles you play in life

External exploration: How do others see you? What is the environment in which you function?

  • Understanding perceptions

  • Developing an assessment of strengths

  • Diagnosing areas for development

  • Mapping current context (work, family, community, background)


Defining your goals:

What are the objectives that will support you in achieving your life purpose? What capabilities do you need to develop/strengthen to achieve your goals?


This will involve:

  • Creative brainstorming and developing a set of options 

  • Prioritizing among the options

  • Defining how you will “be” (think, feel) and what will you “do”

  • Mapping into S.M.A.R.T goals

  • Identifying the resources required

Coaching Framework
Coaching Framework


Moving to action:

Creating change requires small deliberate actions. By conducting experiments (e.g. to try out your strategic choices, new behaviors, careers) you gain insight into what works and what doesn’t. Rather than commit extensive resources and follow a path that may not be your desired goal, you will use experimentation to iterate and learn from mistakes.


This will involve:

  • Piloting different approaches (e.g., to improve active listening, try out paraphrasing, asking questions)

  • Prototyping with short-term plans

  • Evaluating success of experiments

  • Iterating on strategy


Making change stick:

Even with the best intentions and planning, change is difficult without the right structures and systems in place. Implementation and follow-through are critical to achieving your goals.


This will involve:

  • Committing to an approach

    • Homework and weekly check-ins with coach

    • Creating structures in your daily life to remind you

    • Identifying others who can support you

    • Modifying your context and current systems to support your goals (e.g., changing roles at work, physical space)

  • Establishing internal and external rewards

  • Measuring and tracking your performance 

  • Repetition and practice!

Coaching Framework


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